The moon is the fastest moving planet in our horoscope changing sign every 2 – 2.5 days. It is the first thing astrologers look to when we hear people are in a funk, or are feeling on top of the world. It can give us clues to weight loss and fitness or our self confidence. Even the phases of the moon gives us clues as to creative cycle of life and personality depending upon which phase of the moon you were born in. All in all, the moon is pretty damn important. Even in those small windows every month as the moon changes sign, it can give us clues as to how our emotions are doing and how to keep our balance.
When the Moon is in Aries watch your own impatience. You might crave excitement or the novel. It’s also very easy to take things personally as those feelings will be running hot like the fire sign Aries is. Go ahead and try that new fitness class. The endorphins will have your mood soaring. Even just taking a new route home from work will stimulate your brain into new ways of being present.
When the Moon is in Taurus, you will be more likely to go to your favorite restaurant and order the “usual” vs. trying the hip new spot on the corner. It’s also a good time to relook at your goals with fresh determination and drive. The Moon is exalted here. Taurus is a fixed sign, meaning it doesn’t like change. Home and family really doesn’t change either which is what the moon rules. It is all about security and routine and looking at what is working for you.
When the Moon is in Gemini, we have empathy for those born under this natal energy as we feel more scattered than normal and we have a low attention span. However, on the positive, we discover more things are piquing our curiosity and leading us down new paths. Its a good time to find that one friend and process things over a cuppa tea while the hours tick by. Pour your heart out and you’ll find that in a round about way, that original problem was solved.
When the Moon is transiting Cancer, it’s a good time to call mom, stay home for the night, make soup, and cuddle. Cancer’s sign is represented by the crab, who keeps her guard up, but lives in the watery deep beneath that hard shell. The emotions can often overtake us like waves overtake the shore. Break out the tissues, my friend. No one can keep up the hard exterior for that long. The Moon loves being here. She’s home.
When the Moon is in Leo, it is time to let your heart light shine. Let your passion drive you forth with happiness and confidence. Let your enthusiasm be contagious and encourage others to find their light too. They are the creatives. Go patronize the arts, the music scene, even the culinary arts. It also rules the house of true love so connect romantically with the one who makes your heart quicken. Leos also are the sign of that rules children, so any extra time with little people will be well invested. On the cautionary side, Leos can be pretty selfish so be aware about the Me, Myself, and I focus.
When the Moon in Virgo its a good time to be more conscious about healthy eating, getting check ups, or even getting Fido in for his yearly once over with the vet. You might feel the need to start organizing a bit around the office. Break out the checklists!!! Just even putting pen to paper can calm that anxiety and make things feel more manageable. Just be careful of offering that dreaded (but well intended) unsolicited advice to others that Virgos are so infamous for.
When the Moon is in Libra, it is time to turn up that charm. Cater to your partner and feel the intimacy grow. Libra is also the sign of the scales, so now it time to help negotiate a balance for all parties to understand how to get along when feelings are delicate. Diplomacy is an art and Libras, are the Renaissance Masters.
When the Moon is in Scorpio it is a time to dig deep. You might feel a bit more secretive and driven to understand the “why” or the “how” of your emotions or the drive of others. Schedule that therapy appointment or crack open the dusty journal. Questions are good. Solitude is good. Trust your gut. The Moon struggles here a bit. Doing so much active questioning and trying to give form of watery emotions is hard work.
When the moon is in Sagittarius, it is time to take the wisdom of Scorpio, aim that bow and arrow of the archer to the target, and do some truth telling that Sag’s are so famous for. The funny thing is, Sagittarius natives are so optimistic they will almost make you feel optimistic even when hearing the brutal truth. Instead of the smaller viewpoint of Scorpio which is mostly individual, open up your awareness to the bigger picture of Sagittarius’s world. Go explore. Learn a new skill. Get curious about a new culture. Book that trip across the world. Enroll yourself in higher learning. Just watch out about becoming too preachy or thinking that your truth is the only truth out there.
When the Moon in in Capricorn, you might be feeling a bit isolated and lonely. Again, the moon is not really functioning here so those messy emotions are not getting in the way what so ever! You also might be feeling like you are getting a ton of stuff done, or at least planning to. Caps are notorious for their long-term goals. On the downside, you can’t figure out what in the hell your gut is telling you. It’s like all transmission and radio signals have gone dark on that front. Now is the time to polish up that resume and ask for a new leadership role at work or figure out if this is where you want to be in 5 years time. Work might feel like it’s taking over your life when the moon is in this sign.
When the Moon enters Aquarius it is time to change the status quo. End habits that are holding you back from your authentic and idealized self. Do small things first like brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand or take a different bus to work. Give your own quirks grace because they make you an individual. Look into joining new groups, whether its the local business bureau or sitting at a new lunch table. Barriers will be broken down and new friendships can be made. On a warning, Aquarius is a fixed air sign. When the moon is here you can get stuck arguing for the sake of arguing or getting so invested in your point, you’ve lost sight of the true goal.
When the Moon makes its journey through Pisces it is a good time to remind yourself that change is the only constant. Build your intuition; look for the coincidences as signs. Tune in to what others might be feeling. Build your emotional intelligence. Respond as you would like to be responded to. You will feel others open up to you on completely different wavelengths.