This time of year is always so fanciful and full of joy and it’s easy to get caught up in the magic. When the Sun travels through the sign of Sagittarius, the mystery of faith helps everyone carry through the dark and cold nights as Solstice creeps forward. The month of December brings the promise of Jupiter’s hope, a bit of Mercury’s frenzy, and some cozier Venusian moments.
December’s Astrology Themes
Business in the Front + Party in the Back: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury’s style isn’t pretty this month and the best I can describe it is like a mullet. The planet of communication is juggling between buttoning up and a frenzy of activity as it straddles two signs and turns retrograde. Right on December 1st, Mercury moves into slower Capricorn. This is a cautious Mercury who is interested in the nuts and bolts of a plan. He enjoys getting down to business and defining roles and responsibilities for others. Mercury is even more pragmatic and slower than usual this year because he is winding down and getting ready for a retrograde on December 13th. Quite literally, he is making a list and checking it twice. Make sure you get your shopping and shipping done early this holiday season, as retrogrades could add a dose of delays and wrong orders. At the retrograde halfway mark on December 22nd, there is a moment of brilliant clarity that afternoon when there is a Mercury cazimi the Sun in Capricorn. Hours later, Mercury retrogrades back into Sagittarius where everyone could feel taxed to remain flexible in the last minute rush. Sagittarius Mercury is one who likes the fast talking deals, impulse buys, and frenzy. Mercury will station direct on New Year’s Day.
Intimate Connections: Venus in Scorpio
This month, a key theme is Venus in Scorpio, where the planet of relationships dives into the darkened waters from December 4th to 29th. It’s a tougher vibe for Venus, less about fun and more about cozy nooks with besties. Amid the glittering social scene and parties, you might prefer hanging with your bestie or having a wingman by your side. Venus in Scorpio knows the ropes at corporate shindigs. She will prioritize surrounding herself with her trusted tribe, arming herself with insightful questions to keep the conversation flowing, and being seen by the power players before ducking out. Her knack lies in inquiry, taking thoughtful pauses, and sharing daring ah-ha’s into human behavior. Venus in Scorpio is deep and prefers investing her time with those who show loyalty and commitment. You also may find you need to be selective with your time with all of the invitations flying. It may be worth only saying yes to those where you can be your authentic self. During this holiday season, arm yourself with a few of these strategies to maximize Venus in Scorpio. She will let loose and fly into Sagittarius right before New Year’s Eve. It’s just in time to embrace the optimism of new potential.
Sharp Edges: Red Hot Moons with Mars
Both the lunations this month feature a Mars signature, which is typical for the months surrounding a new two year Mars cycle. When the Sun meets up with a planet, it is like a birthday for the planet involved. We just had the Mars Cazimi in Scorpio on November 17th, so as both the Sun and Mars moved into Sagittarius, each full and new moon will feature themes of irritation, motivation, and action. December’s first lunation on the 12th is a New Moon in Sagittarius, which can give everyone the itchy impulse to need to do something different. You may feel motivated to book a trip, find a mentor, change your mind about a belief, or even give someone the benefit of the doubt. It can also help you key into your higher aspirations or dream jobs. Boxing Day brings the second Cancer full moon we’ve had this year. It doesn’t happen often, but I quite like the symbolism of 2023 being open and closed with themes of home. This can bring a sense of returning to home, what nurtures and sustains, and trying to fit in with our roots. I do caution you a bit that this moon can be prickly with Mars still in the mix. Mars will egg Mercury on which can be some harsh words or speaking before you think. Full Moons can be emotionally charged days, so watch the sensitivity.
Steady On: Jupiter Goes Direct in Taurus
Jupiter is getting ready to turn direct on December 30th, which will add an air of confidence as 2024 dawns. This is incredible symbolism for New Year’s as it really can be a time of goal setting, the renewal of hope, and golden resolutions. Jupiter has to follow the rules set by Taurus to prove his success through May. In fixed earth, Jupiter flourishes in the presence of positive habits and a structured routine. Setting goals and resolutions isn’t about dreaming big or wishful thinking in the bull’s sign; instead, it’s more like building aspirations on solid ground, step by step. Jupiter is ready to put his faith behind realistic intentions and celebrate the incremental gains you make as 2024 lights up the sky.
December’s Dates of Note:
December 1: Mercury ingresses into Capricorn. Communication and commerce want to be effective in practical Capricorn. Make sure you do all the holiday shopping and shipping early this year. Mercury turns retrograde on December 13th, potentially wreaking havoc on gift delivery schedules.
December 2: Mercury sextile Saturn. This is a fantastic day to sign a contract or plan ahead. Saturn is here to make sure whatever you put into writing will go the distance.
December 3: Venus squares Pluto. Relationship power dynamics come to the stage today. You may become more aware of emotional manipulation and control issues. The good news is Venus has strong footing and won’t let this nonsense get too far out of alignment. Adjust and rebalance your expectations.
December 4: Venus ingresses into Scorpio. Venus wants all in when she’s transiting deeply passionate Scorpio. The planet of relationships is right on cue for “cuffing season” as she’s looking for commitment. In fixed water, she is seeking emotional connection over superficial attachments. Although holiday party season is here, this energy is more about intimate conversations in a corner of the room rather than jingling and mingling. Over the next 4 weeks, spend quality time with those who want to get closer.
December 5: Venus trines Saturn. Sincerity is on the table today as relationships get a supportive beam from Saturn. It’s a great day to be emotionally vulnerable and have that commitment conversation; loyalty gets rewarded.
December 6: Neptune stations direct. Today is a fantastic day to visit the ballet, catch the choral concert, or take in the lights. The planet of fine arts, imagination, and fantasy turns direct in Pisces. The Moon in Libra brings delightful company, no matter what you do.
December 7/Hanukkah Begins at Sundown: Mercury trines Jupiter. If you needed to work the budget for a bit of a holiday splurge, this is the day to do it. The planet of wealth gets a boost from Mercury.
December 8: Moon in Libra squaring Pluto + trining Saturn. Given the historical autumn in Israel, the celebration of lights takes on a more serious tone this year. While Libra moons are about harmony, it also brings about potent feelings and the comfort found in tradition. Rituals sustain emotional growth tonight.
December 9: Venus opposes Jupiter. You may have to juggle all the holiday plans today. Would it be worth it to spend a little time with everyone or spend more time with a few? Today is all about balancing expectations. Also, watch the overindulgence today.
December 12: New Moon in Sagittarius. This new moon is close to Mars, which is giving a lot of excitement and enthusiasm to a leap of faith. Generosity and giving someone the benefit of the doubt seems likely. With Neptune squaring this lunation, double check how gullible you are to the power of suggestion. With Jupiter in Taurus ruling this lunation, really rely on your inner voice of reason and judgment before taking the leap. The power of salesmanship is strong today.
December 13: Mercury stations Retrograde. Over the next three weeks, the planet of communication and thinking will scramble to make a list and check it twice. Capricorn is an earth sign and shipping logistics and mailing may become an issue. By the time he enters back into Sagittarius on December 22nd, there will be a flurry of last-minute solutions and shopping flood the agenda. He finally turns direct on New Year’s Day.
December 16: Sun squares Neptune. Sometimes you need to give back to others in order to find yourself. Charitable acts of kindness, self-sacrifice, and leaving your ego at the door gets rewarded today.
December 18: Mercury trines Jupiter. You may rethink a purchase you made or return to a project you thought was done. Reconnect with others you haven’t thought of in a while.
December 21/Winter Solstice: Sun ingresses into Capricorn + Venus opposes Uranus + Mercury sextiles Saturn. It’s a busy one in the skies today! Assumptions about relationships and tasks are going to make anyone irritated, but today, especially with the Moon in Aries. You may need to rework the division of labor to give everyone a breather.
Today also marks the beginning of Capricorn season and the shortest amount of daylight in the northern hemisphere. These Cardinal Earth individuals are truly talented in putting the resources to use and producing results. Capricorns are practical, ambitious, and aren’t afraid of a little hard work. When rewarded, they want to make sure it is for a job well done vs. just being lucky. They value achievements and are masters at being goal-oriented. Often, they can be mistaken for being older than they are simply because they are usually born with “an old soul.” They are wise beyond their years and will often function as little adults from a young age. Don’t mistake their all work attitude, because Capricorns have a quiet humor that bites with the ridiculousness of reality. Sarcasm and cynicism are hallmarks of these Sea Goats. They value tradition and time. Don’t think for a minute they are as put together as they would have you believe. Behind that poker face is someone with a pure case of “imposter syndrome.” But trust me, Capricorns are their own worst enemy. What they really need is a best friend who will stick by them through thick and thin. Over the next four weeks, mobilize your ambition, sense of tradition, and set goals into motion.
December 22: Mercury cazimi the Sun. A new Mercury cycle is born today as he moves into the heart of the Sun. This afternoon brings exceptional clear thinking skills, strong planning, and list checking. If you need to give a speech or complete a report, this is the day to do it.
December 23: Mercury moves back into Sagittarius. Are you ready for the last minute shopping? It’s going to be a frenzy of activity as the planet of transactions moves back into fiery Sagittarius. Pause for a minute and remember that bigger doesn’t always mean better with the holidays.
December 24/Christmas Eve: Sun sextiles Saturn. Traditions get a nod from the cosmos today, giving them extra weight and meaning. With the Moon in chatty Gemini, make sure you circulate the room.
December 25/Christmas: Venus trine Neptune + Mars trine North Node + Moon in Gemini opposes Mars. The magic of the season is in full bloom with this aspect. Gatherings get an extra dose of charm and allure. Mars gets a boost from the north node, giving you some extra endurance and pep in your step.
December 26/Boxing Day: Full Moon in Cancer + Chiron stations Direct. This is a gorgeous Full Moon that lets you take a breath and cozy up at home. Themes of family, nurturing, and feeling safe around those you love feel sustained by Jupiter in Taurus. With so many receptive signs activated, this lunation takes a restorative tone and reminds you to build upon your strengths and achievements. You may feel Mars’ influence a little early, so watch the need to act before thinking.
December 27: Mercury squares Neptune + Sun trines Jupiter + Mercury conjoins Mars. If there was a day that you got a belief wrong and put your foot in your mouth, this is it. Don’t make assumptions. Be open to rethinking direction and leave the door open for possibilities.
December 28: Mars squares Neptune + Venus sextiles Pluto. Procrastination could be a theme of the day. Don’t count on getting a lot of work done today. If you can take the day off, do it. When Venus sextiles Pluto, favors can be called in from people in powerful places. You get to decide how you respond.
December 29: Venus ingresses into Sagittarius. The planet of love and attraction moves into free-spirited Sagittarius today. Her flirtation style is optimistic and buoyant and she follows her heart where ever it leads her around the room. She can be brazen in her approach, but it’s all in her nature of truth-seeking. Over the next 3 weeks, connect with others who inspire you to take some risks, let others know what you want, and make sure you build some playful flirting. Hope springs eternal with this transit.
December 30: Jupiter stations Direct. The planet of wisdom and optimism will finally turn direct today. He’s been retrograde since September 4th, busy working on self-confidence and reflection on hopes and dreams for the future. While retrograde, he shows mercy with shortcomings, curb excesses, and course correct. When he turns direct in Taurus, he is ready to show the world what he’s capable of. Taurus is a fertile sign that wants to make sure the ground is prepared for all the potential that is ripe for manifesting. With the Moon in Leo, play around with possibilities.
December 31/New Year’s Eve: Moon in Virgo opposes Saturn and trines Jupiter + Grand Earth trine between Moon, Jupiter, Sun. The tradition of New Year’s typically involves some reflecting on your blessings over the past year and infusing the upcoming 12 months with a sense of optimism and hope. This is the exact energy the skies want to beam down! A grand earth trine is forming between the Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Taurus, and the Sun in Capricorn. It is a highly stable energy that wants you to feel encouraged about what lies ahead. The trine unifies your head and your heart and it tells you to keep going. Today is perfect for reaffirming your goals and building on your strengths. It builds an ease of feeling grounded and ready for what is next.