November 22: Sun ingresses into Sagittarius
Today marks the start of Sagittarius season, which is so fitting for the busiest travel day of the year! The sun is wringing out from the watery depths to shine the light of wisdom and freedom across the globe.
The Moon will leave Pisces and enters Aries at 11:19 CST which will bring about a rush and potential frustrations, but also a directness for travel. Logistical hiccups in the morning begin to straighten out by midday.
November 23/Thanksgiving: Sun in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces
Sharing the workload of a huge meal goes better when you have everyone contribute. You may have a sudden awareness of your elders, tradition, and how your own individual path has deviated from expectations. Squares can show a bit of friction and adjustments. With an unaspected Jupiter ruling both, there can be a sense of gratitude, but also loneliness. Perhaps you are more aware of the limits and boundaries of others. Lean into the Venus in Libra to keep the conversation flowing at the dinner table and not get too stuck in personalizing things. The Moon moves away from Chiron in the afternoon, helping you gain perspective on your roots and your wings in your family.
November 25: Mars in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces.
When the two malefics are in the hardest aspect, it can be a highly frustrating day. However, because this is is happening in mutable signs, it’s a reminder that everyone can adjust to last minute changes. This is a lot like getting mixed messages of hot/cold, go/stop, forward/back. Both planets are getting their cues from a lost Jupiter who is unaspected and retrograde. Really watch that need to follow the crowd or fulfill the duties forced on you by someone else. As the Moon approaches Uranus in the afternoon, you may need some time to do your own thing to nourish your soul.