Mars in Aries

Resolution time is upon us once again and this time the Universe has added a little extra kick to our help us take our first step.  On January 1st, Mars is entering Aries.  The timing of this is truly divine!  I just couldn’t love it more when the heavens shift their gears in sync!  Let’s take a deeper dive, shall we?

Aries is the start of our astrological calendar much like January is the start of our calendar year.  Both represent new beginnings, fresh starts, and inspiration translating into action.  Aries are the trailblazers and the pioneers.  These are the kids who want to be first in line, raise their hand before the teacher finishes the question, and sees the world in binary form of winners and everyone else.  They turn everything to 11.  They are assertive and when they see something they want, they unapologetically go after it 100%.  Goals only equal accomplishments to Aries.

It is not a stretch to see how Mars is the ruling planet of Aries.  Mars is the fiery planet that motivates the the athlete and the warrior.  It likes constant movement, willful intention, and courageous efforts.  Using Mars’s gifts, one can conquer.  

So come January 1st, when Mars comes home to empower Aries, those resolutions are going to have extra oomph.  You want to hit the gym?  No sweat!  The motivation will be there.  You want to earn a bit more cash?  I’d bet your bottom dollar on that coming true.  

However, a word of caution, my friends:  Mars likes to over do things a bit.  The fire burning off all those calories from the holidays can lead to inflammation.  Or that new business you are starting is taking so much time, you might find your relationships are suffering.  Slowing down is not Mars’s strong suit.  Neither is keeping a level head so watch your temper as it ignites your chart.

You have exactly 6 weeks to capitalize on Mars’s power for your New Years Resolutions.  This works out extremely well as it takes about that long for a new habit to become ingrained into an existing pattern.  Come Valentines Day on February 14th when Mars moves into Taurus, the sign of physical pleasures, you will be well on your way into manifesting those intentions.  Like I said, the Universe’s timing is perfection!

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