Jupiter in Sagittarius: Luck, Adventure, and Growth

Let’s talk Jupiter in Sagittarius.  While many of you might be scratching your heads wondering what this means, sit back and grab a comfy spot while I talk about what this planet can do for you over the next 12 months or so until it leaves on December 2, 2019.  

Jupiter is like your favorite Uncle Larry coming home for the holidays after a long trip around the world.  He makes sure he gives every kid piggyback rides, brings Dad his favorite Scotch, eats extra helpings of grandma’s famous casserole, and makes sure to regale you with vivid stories about his travels with all these hidden nuggets of wisdom in his tales.  He might slip an extra gift under the tree while no one was looking or drop a $50 in cousin Abby’s coat pocket cause he knows she’s been having a hard time making ends meet in her 3 jobs.  He makes everyone feel like they are in his spotlight and he is always on the move.  Everyone loves Uncle Larry.  This is Jupiter.  

Jupiter has two home signs: Sagittarius and Pisces.  Sagittarius is the more masculine sign of the two.  He is the truth seeker.  He craves wisdom, expansion of the mind, and journeys.  Jupiter in Sagittarius asks us to dare to dream.  Instead of listing all the reasons why you can’t have this, that or the other; Jupiter in Sagittarius says, “Why Not?” And “How Big?”  Its a very different way to live.  I have a paperweight I got when I first went into leadership that was inscribed, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?”  This is a very Jupiter in Sagittarius quote and it helped me steer the ship into new waters that were unchartered and more optimistic.

So how do we take this unbridled optimism and luck into each sign?  Well, it depends on where Jupiter falls in each of your charts.  If you can, read this for your rising sign, but if you do not know that, read it for your sun sign if you are a day birth or your moon sign if you were born at night.

Aries Rising:  Jupiter is in your 9th house and you’ve been itching to broaden your horizons.  Sometimes you can feel limited by the 4 walls of your house or even your mind.  Jupiter is favoring you to look for new ways to grow whether its by an airplane or opening a new book and seeing what horizons await on the pages.

Taurus Rising:  If you’ve been procrastinating about settling past taxes, your parents estate, or getting your own affairs in order, the time is now.  Jupiter is ready to clear the path for you.  What might have seemed like a dark forest path will light up with twinkle lights and synchronicities to make progress happen quickly.  Get it done, my friend.

Gemini Rising:  Lucky you having the planet of blessings in your house of marriage and partnerships.  Beaus and suitors are coming out of your ears!  Keep on the look out for those from a different background, country, or outlook on life.  Keep your mind open.

Cancer Rising:  I’ve always said that life feels so much better if you have one place of refuge.  Believe it or not, your place of work and daily grind has all the glitter and gold for the next year.  If you’ve been having health problems, a breakthrough could come.  Watch your weight though, one of the side effects of having Jupiter here could be a bit of weight gain.

Leo Rising:  Jupiter in your 5th House. Who am I to tell a Leo how to play?  It is a time to celebrate you.  Make sure you use your vacation days this year.  Live your life like a child and be in the present.  Reconnect to what makes you joyful.  This could be one of your happiest years yet.

Virgo Rising:  Jupiter in your 4th House.  Have you been thinking of buying a bigger house or adding on?  This might be the time.  Create the space that nurtures you and spend it with the people you call family.  Remember, sometimes family is not just those you are related to by blood.  

Libra Rising:  Jupiter in your 3rd House.  Cat got your tongue?  Speak up, my dear libra!  Do not be afraid of hurting others feelings.  Let your truth be known and see how affirming it can be.  This is the time to take the risk.  Jupiter has your back.

Scorpio Rising:  Jupiter in your 2nd House.  Ok, lets talk about that raise you need to ask for.  Don’t think you are worth it?  Jupiter and I say, “hogwash.”  Now is the time, my friend.  Put on your suit of armor because you are worth it and the planet of blessings has your back.

Sagittarius Rising:  Jupiter in your 1st House.  Ready for a new look?  Book your salon, book your trainer, get a stylist, and start making those resolutions.  Let’s reinvent how you want others to see you.

Capricorn Rising:  Jupiter in your 12th House. It is time to take a time-out and that is 100% a-ok.  How can you ask for what you want if you don’t know what your heart truly desires?  Jupiter is supporting you and making sure all of that goodness is not passing you by as you seek clarity.  He is just organizing the queue so that when its time to open the doors for business you can be ready to take in EXACTLY what you want.

Aquarius Rising: Jupiter in your 11th House.  Get the social calendar ready, honey, because its going to be a live one.  Get ready for invitations to be on boards, community event planning groups, sorority functions, and neighborhood parties.  This is your time to mix the drinks and mingle with the guests.

Pisces Rising:  Jupiter in your 10th House.  Are you ready?  This is a time to step into your own.  Take on the big role at work or change jobs completely.   It is about being seen, which is a little uncomfortable for you as a whole.  But I promise, Jupiter has your back, and the time is NOW.

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